Saint John adventures   2 comments


A nice sail from Grand Manan to Saint John.

We spent yesterday tired up in Market Slip, a section of floating dock on the Saint John waterfront. We were prepared for it to be swelly and uncomfortable but it wasn’t bad. We were the only boat there for the day. Most people seem to just use this dock to wait for the right time to navigate the Reversing Falls, the Saint John river’s infamous feature that guards it’s inner sanctum.

We went “over the falls” yesterday evening without a problem. The timing has to be right for the balance of tides and the river’s flow to eliminate the otherwise boiling falls. I don’t really understand it but I’m glad the water was flat when we passed through.

Saint John was an fun city to explore. We managed to do laundry, check out the City Market, an old market building full of food and grocery vendors, and swim at an awesome aquatics center.

After navigating the falls, we picked up a mooring at RKYC last night and will venture a little ways up the river today. The water is warmer here so we thought we’d take advantage and swim while we can.
I can’t believe it’s almost time to head back down the coast! Hopefully we can hit up some of the spots we missed on or way up.

Posted August 21, 2014 by Rachel in Uncategorized

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